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Monday, April 7, 2008

Bridge Run recap & a friend in need

If you're reading this, you survived Bridge Run weekend. Hooray! Some of you (my friend Joe and Elizabeth, our Director of Human Resources) spent several hours AFTER completing the Bridge Run trapped in the PP parking lot. (Our parking lot was on the run route.) Bummer.

Congratulations are in order to PP Bridge Run participants, Director of Human Resources Elizabeth Kitchin (running time: 1:01:36) and Fish Sous Chef Deveaux Stockton (1:14:14). In the kicking butt and taking names category, mad props to my pal Joe who finished in 44:10. Um, whut?

When I asked Elizabeth about her motivation for the run, she said, "There was a guy dressed as a banana running near me. Anytime he pulled ahead, I thought to myself, 'Gotta beat the banana!'" Hands down the best Bridge Run story I've heard.

Congratulations are also in order for Lowcountry Local First Director Alan Moore. He and his wife are the proud new parents of Olivia! (7 lbs. 14 oz., 21 inches) Now there's a baby who will be eating some delicious local food, you know, when she has teeth and all that.

In other news, a friend of PP is in need of help. Tomorrow, April 8th, Whole Foods in Mt. Pleasant will donate 5% of its sales to Louie's Kids, a local non-profit fighting childhood obesity. (It's estimated that 25% of South Carolina teenagers are either overweight or obese.) If you're out shopping tomorrow, please go to Whole Foods. You'll be helping the nation's ONLY non-profit dedicated to combatting childhood obesity. Thanks.

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