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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Curtains, birth announcements, friends in the news & our ongoing greening

Internet, get this: got a fantastic gift from our friends at Charleston Stage, a curtain! We're talking a serious theater curtain here that will beautify American Theater for years to come. Many thanks!

So Executive Chef Nico Romo and Chef de Cuisine Charron Henry made it back from Chicago. Nico spent far too much time gallavanting upon his bum knee (the doctor scolded him), but they resturned with both inspiring ideas and presents (I'm waiting for mine, Nico). And, to top it all off, Nico is yet again, uncle, this time to sweet Maelle. Felicitations!

Super write up in today's Post & Courier on John Battles, Sous Chef at Evo Pizza in Park Circle. Congrats, guys!

Had a very productive meeting with our fine Sales team yesterday about new and exciting ways to showcase all that Patrick Properties has to offer, both from the weddings perspective as well as the corporate perspective. And, we managed to cut the number of pages in our sales packet nearly in half, which means another green step for events! This comes in addition to recycling every single piece of glass, #1 and #2 plastics, aluminium and tin. (FYI: the average wedding can produce 17 cases of wine bottles...and that's just the bridal party. KIDDING, everyone!)

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