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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Instant moo shu, like instant karma, but tastier.

No sooner did I send out the alert on the Fish $10 lunch via email, Twitter, etc etc. did some folks over at TheDigitel waltz on over, eat some moo shu, then write and post a snazzy write-up. Poof, instant review!

Okay, new topic. If you happen to be the person at your company who is responsible for the holiday party, may I offer a couple of suggestions. (Not that there is, in theory, anything wrong with pigs in blanket and Swiss Miss, but you know, just in case.)

We here at PP have a lovely array of historic properties just perfect for your holiday shindig. For instance, go holiday-Deco at The American Theater Grand Ballroom. Or, live the estate life for a hot minute at the Lowndes Grove Main House. Better yet, go downhome at the Lowndes Grove River House. Perhaps a Lowcountry supper at The William Aiken House? A seated dinner at Fish. You think about it. Let us know.

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