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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Class is in session

The other night, Managing Partner Randall Goldman and I got to hang out with College of Charleston Professor Robert Stockton and his architecture class at The William Aiken House. The house encompasses four different architectural styles which makes it a bit of an enigma in Charleston. It also makes for a very concise tour: 4 styles in one house, so it lends itself to class tours. Professor Stockton has nearly encyclopediac knowledge of The House. In fact, back when Glenn Keyes Architects tackled the renovation of the house, Glenn and Professor Stockton spent much researching its history together. It's always interesting to walk through any of our properties with someone who can illuminate elements you might not have noticed or thought about from that particular perspective. Of course, that's one of the wonderful things about historic properties, the abundance of details and compelling stories.

For me personally, the whole experience was enhanced by Professor Stockton himself. He speaks slowly with a smooth Biloxi accent. And, (I hope he doesn't mind me saying this) he sort of resembles Donald Sutherland, which lends him an authoritative yet approachable, charming vibe. What can I say? Guess I'm a sucker for smooth talking architectural historians.

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