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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday on Upper King

Fish General Manager Jodie Battles made it back from the Big Apple in one piece, with a smile on her face and stories and photos galore. We'll share tomorrow!

As I write this post, Managing Partner is seated on the floor by our resident Staff Accountant, chatting about invoices and exchanging very funny verbal barbs. (It really is funny to work here.)

In other news, you know by now that I'm a huge fan of marketing and advertising. I'm always interested in how people choose to market themselves. Why they chose a particular color for their logo? What emotions are their photo choices trying to convey? What does it all mean? Anywho, along those lines, just perused our pal Calder Clark's sassy and sophisticated new website. Also, thanks to Mitchell Crosby who mentioned Lowndes Grove in a fine write up in the CRBJ, ahem, The Movers & Shakers edition, no less!

Was walking through American Theater this afternoon, checking out the renovation progress. It's quite something to watch all the hands come together to make something this extraordinary happen. Already, the new Grand Ballroom is taking on a rather regal vibe. I can't wait for the first big shindig where it can truly strut its stuff.

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