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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday evening on Upper King

Met with photographer Brennan Wesley late yesterday about some upcoming projects. Then, friends from Blue Ion and luxury shoe and handbag designer Mary Norton met at Fish for cocktails to celebrate the launch of the new Mary Norton e-commerce site. Be sure to check out the Dream Tree and the Book of Mary, and of course, purchase some fabulous, handmade in Italy shoes and handbags! It was lovely to be at the new Fish bar, listening to the Charlton Singleton jazz trio, next to the open door letting in the lovely fall evening. Really not bad for a Wednesday evening.

Friends from the Upper King Design District also joined us last night for the neighborhood meeting. Can I just say? When you gather all the amazing people in our neighborhood together, the creativity and energy in the room is palpable.

Had coffee and a great talk with Jamee Haley from Lowcountry Local First the other morning about an upcoming Buy Local Week. That's right, the first week of December will be proclaimed Buy Local Week by Mayor Joe Riley, and the tentative events will be a perfect blend of all things local. We here at PP are hoping to have a major role in one of the events. I can say no more...Stay tuned for details!


Anonymous said...

How does one get invited to such fun sounding upper king st meeting????

patrick properties said...

Consider yourself invited to the next one! Seriously, Susan Lucas is the brains and passion behind UKDD. I'll put you in touch with her!