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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Design Walk & Moo Shu Haiku

Gearing up for the Design Walk, people! It's been quite the hustle and bustle day here at PP headquarters. As you are out and about this evening, stopping by neighborhood hotspots like Lesesne, Blue Bicycle Books, Suite Sole, SieMatic (the Mayor will do their grand opening ribbon cutting!) and more, do remember that our resident mixologist Evan has put together a super fresh Design Walk cocktail: tequila, kumquat Dry soda, fresh orange and ginger. Shaken. Over ice. It's like a sassy bit of spring in a glass.

From the just good creative fun file, please peruse the MOO SHU HAIKU below. If you'll recall, I put out a call for moo shu haiku last week to celebrate Fish's $10 lunch. Please feel free to submit your haiku (5, 7, 5, kids) through the comments or email me: jenny@patpropllc.com. And thanks to all who have submitted thus far.

Half salad half wrap.
That is how I rolled today.
I live on the edge.

-Jessica, Sales Manager

PR Needs Haikus
I’ve Nothing Better to Do
Please go eat Moo shoo.

-Charlotte, Sales Manager

Siracha cream sauce
Chicken or pork? Hard to choose
Definitely chips

-Courtney Jo, Project Coordinator

Yummy rice pancake
Stuffed with grilled tofu and rice
Hot spicy sauce on top


Office takeout fave
Shrimp moo shu defines the day
More cilantro please

-Margaret, Skirt! magazine

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