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Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Friday, Dahhling...We MUST have cocktails.

Man, last night was busy at PP! Nico's cooking demonstration at Charleston Cooks! was phenomenal. The Charleston Cooks staff is wonderful: special thanks to Emily who's such a gracious hostess. Not only was everything deelish, but Nico told some fun stories and passed along some great information about buying and preparing fish and seafood. Pics are up. I also took a little mpeg movie of Nico cooking. There's not really much sound, but still it gives you a sense of what the evening was like. (And no, he's NOT doing one potato, two potato!)

And, for those of you who like to peek in on the big parties around town, like last night's Charleston Ballet Theater's 20th Anniversary, here's a look at some of the creative themed tables.

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