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Monday, November 19, 2007

Time For Our Winter Refreshing

You know those people who disappear for a few weeks during the winter months and then emerge like a spring flower: refreshed, rejuvenated and somehow more fabulous than before? (Tip: check their hairline!) We're sort of feeling like that, but in a no-stitches, feel-free-to-peruse-our-hairline kind of way. Here's why.

The season's last wedding at Lowndes Grove is Saturday, November 24. Come November 26, the refreshing begins! As we've mentioned before, Lowndes Grove is undergoing a multi-dimensional renovation with some of Charleston's heavy hitters at the helm: Glenn Keyes Architects, Sheila Wertimer landscape designs and Paula Adams interiors. All to restore the historic gem to its stately splendor, and of course, make it the ideal venue for both brides and corporate clients. We'll be talking to you a lot during the refresh, giving you sneak peeks and otherwise whetting your appetite. Why? Because we like you. Feel free to call 843.853.1810 to be among the first to see us in our finery come spring.

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