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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Roadtrips, military vehicles, weddings, photography & other pursuits

Back from Columbia and a great interview with Mike Switzer at ETV radio. Managing Partner Randall Goldman and I did NOT break the sound barrier on the roadtrip as planned but hey, you do what you can. Will let you know when the piece on us airs. Should be sometime in the next two weeks.

What we did see on our roadtrip was a rather somber reminder that we are five years deep into a war. The Anteater, as it's called, is a super-resilient military vehicle made by company called Force Protection. I hate that there is still a need in the world to build them.

In OTHER news, The photo of the gorgeous Lowndes Grove staircase above is courtesy of Arthur Howe, a location scout for film, TV and photography based here in town. Thanks, Arthur!

And, check out these lovely photos from a recent wedding at The William Aiken House on photographer Evan Laettner's blog.

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