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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fun Fact & Lowcountry Still Life

Fun fact: the window seals at Lowndes Grove have nails in them that are numbered. To what do those numbers correspond? To their matching shutters, which are also numbered. So smart, those 19th century craftsmen.

I did not go to Lowndes Grove today, mostly because I didn't want to get caught up in the melee that is the last push to get things ready for Saturday. I liken the flurry of activity to a small, localized, highly organized tornado. Lovely!

Tomorrow, I'll be meeting with calligrapher extraordinaire Elizabeth Jones (thanks to Amy Pastre of Gil Shuler Graphic Design for the recommendation). She's going to help us with some in-room messages that are both beautiful and entertaining.

Ok, it's too pretty out. The opening photo is ode to a Charleston Spring Day. Until tomorrow...

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