Thanks to everyone who made last night's Sustainable Seafood Dinner such a phenomenal success. 46 attendees, one fantastic fisherman, the South Carolina Aquarium and a team of culinary and service experts made for one heck of an evening. You know you're doing well when the woman who runs the Sustainable Seafood Initiative sends you love emails!
"My compliments on an absolutely wonderful sustainable seafood dinner last night! The attendance was outstanding, one of the highest attended dinners we’ve had, and the food was purely amazing. Obviously Nico had great product to work with, but the preparations complemented the seafood perfectly. I know there were people there that have never been to Fish, but now have a new favorite restaurant."
So sweet. I am now verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.
Okay, now that I've gathered myself: here's a funny thing. Someone called today to inquire about tonight's Mercy of the Chef promotion. The deal, in case you haven't heard, is this. For $40, you get three courses and three wine pairings. The twist is that you don't know what any of it until it's sitting before you in all of its anonymous deliciousness. The man who called today seemed a little edgy about that part. Get it? You're at the Mercy of the Chef. Probably not ideal for the control freaks out there, but if you can um, LET GO just a tad and trust in Nico, you will not be disappointed.