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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Some o' dis, some o' dat

A while back I wrote about the not-so-mindful eating habits of the presidential candidates. Today, I read an article in The Washington Post about the Green the Capitol Project which has given me a glimmer of hope about our leaders. Green the Capitol was intiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and according to the Post article, "aims to make the House carbon neutral by the end of the session. The dining service was a prime target, and not only because of the 1950s-era food. Cafeteria waste accounted for half of the estimated 250 metric tons of trash the House sends to landfills annually." Now, basically all the paper products, cups, plates, cutlery in the revamped eatery are compostable. They also serve fair-trade coffee, certified sustainable seafood and local, organic produce. Nice, Nancy!

In other PP news, tomorrow evening from 6 to 7 pm, Sheila Johnson, co-founder of BET and the nation's first African American billionaire (I mentioned her in yesterday's post) is speaking in support of Barack Obama at The William Aiken House. If you're interested in attending, please contact Alaina Beverly at (803) 727-5665 or email abeverly@barackobama.com. I personally can't wait.

And now for Lowndes Grove. Our roving photographer was out at the stunning waterfront estate today where crews of workmen and women are hard at work painting trim and rooms. Check out some of the pics.

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